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If you do not already have a website, or you are looking to start a brand new website dedicated entirely to AdultAccessNow, this post is for you. I will show you step by step how to create the most basic AdultAccessNow Ready Site, that can actually make you good money!
Step 1: Copy the following Code to a new Notepad file and erase all the stars.
<*title>CPALead Website<*/title>
<*meta equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<*meta name="keywords" content="CPALead Website">
<*meta name="description" content="CPALead Website">
<*body background="image1.jpg">
<*span >
Step 2: Decide what Niche/Type of site you want to run. Most popular are Streaming Porn, Celebrity Videos, Celebrity Images etc.
Step 3: Edit the Title, Keywords, and Description of the Code you copied in Step 1 to Match the Niche of the site you want to run.
Step 4: Use Google Images to Search for a Large Background Image that matches the Niche of the site you will run. Type "Britney Spears Background" for example, if you were running a site related to Britney Spears.
Step 5: Copy the location of the image, and replace "image1.jpg" with your new image location.
Step 6 For An Image Site: If you will do an Image Site, find the images you want to use, and place them into the code we copied earlier. Use "<*img src="http://www.blogger.com/IMAGE%20LOCATION" />" and replace Image Location with the actual location of the pictures you want to use. Place this code under the "Font" section in the original code. You can place as many images as you want on a page, but remember, too many files, or too big and the page will load slowly, causing users to leave. You must copy the entire"<*img src="http://www.blogger.com/IMAGE%20LOCATION" />" code for each individual image.
Step 6 For A Streaming Porn Movie Site: If you will do a Streaming Porn Movie Site, first you must find a stream of the movie you want to show online. Then, you must see if the host has "Embed" code. If they do, all you need to do is copy the "Embed" line and place it under the font section on your website.
Step 7: Log in to AdultAccessNow, and follow the directions to make a New Widget for Images/Movies or whatever niche you have chosen.
Step 8: Copy the code, and place it into the Code we copied originally, between the HEAD and TITLE sections.
Step 9: Save the file as index.html, and upload it to your favorite host.
Step 10: Test the site. Visit the address, and make sure the AdultAccessNow Gateway is popping up to ask you to complete a survey.
Step 11: Log in to Facebook, Twitter, MySpace or your favorite Social Networking Site or Chat Room, and ask people to visit your site. Tell them what they can expect to find from your site. If your site is about Britney Spears, find a Britney Spears fan page or chat room, you are much more likely to get people willing to complete the surveys.
Thats it!
You have a working AdultAccessNow website. All you need to do now is promote it. Make sure you log into the AdultAccessNow Homepage and Click on the "Statistics" tab to see if people are clicking on the offers. If you are receiving 0 clicks, there may be an error in your code. Ask a trusted friend to visit the site from their computer and ask them to click one of the offers if it pops up to make sure everything is ok.